- Normative Reasons: Between Reasoning and Explanation, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy series), 2022.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- The Paradox of Graded Justification, Episteme, forthcoming;
- Qu’est-ce que le « poids » des raisons si la justification n’admet pas de degrés?, in Jacques Vollet and Jean-Marie Chevalier (eds.), La notion de degré en épistémologie, Collège de France, Paris, forthcoming;
- Evidence and Emotions: The Problem of Propositional Justification, American Philosophical Quarterly, forthcoming;
- Persistent Burglars and Knocks on Doors: Causal Indispensability of Knowing Vindicated, European Journal of Philosophy, (2021), doi: 10.1111/ejop.12751, link to publication (Open Access);
- How to Argue with a Pragmatist, Inquiry,(2021); link to publication; penultimate version (PDF);
- (with John Hawthorne). Graded Epistemic Justification, Philosophical Studies, (2020); doi:10.1007/s11098-020-01512-0; penultimate version (PDF);
- Is an increase in probability always an increase in evidential support? Erkenntnis, (2020); link to publication; penultimate version (PDF).
- La rectitude de la croyance: la vérité et les degrés, Klesis, 2020: 45, 2020; link to publication (open access);
- Two-State Solution to the Lottery Paradox, Philosophical Studies, forthcoming; doi:10.1007/s11098-019-01378-x; penultimate draft (PDF);
- Normative Reasons Without (Good) Reasoning, Ethics, 130:2, 208-210, 2020;;
- Subjective Unpossessed Reasons, Thought: A Journal of Philosophy,
7: 262-270, 2018, doi:10.1002/tht3.395; PDF; link to publication. - Justification Épistémique, version Grand Public, in M. Kristanek (ed.), l’Encyclopédie philosophique, 2018; link to publication (open online encyclopedia).
- Common Sense and Evidence: Some Neglected Arguments in Favour of E=K. Theoria, 83 (2): 120–137, 2017, doi:10.1111/theo.12111; PDF; link to publication.
- Necessary truths, evidence, and knowledge. Unisinos Journal of Philosophy 17(3):302-307, sep/dec 2016, doi: 10.4013/fsu.2016.173.06 [Winner of the third edition of Philosophy South Essay Prize]; PDF; link to publication.
- Save the children! Analysis 2016; 76 (4): 418-422. doi: 10.1093/analys/anw051; PDF; link to publication.
- On having evidence: a reply to Neta. Logos & Episteme, 6 (3): 367-370, 2015;
- The problem of massive deception for justification norms of action. Acta Analytica, 29(4): 457-468, 2014, doi: 10.1007/s12136-014-0220-1; PDF; link to publication.
- On Williamson’s account of propositional evidence. Logique & Analyse, 223: 347–354, 2013; PDF; link to publication.
- Scepticisme, Fidéisme et Évidentialisme: oppositions et origines, Dialogue, 51: 613-642, 2012, doi: 10.1017/S0012217313000292; PDF; link to publication.
- Knowledge, Practice, and Merit. Discipline filosofiche, Special Issue : On knowledge and justification (eds. A. Coliva and G. Volpe), XXII(2): 133 — 152, 2012;
- Dievs – pierādījums un varbūtība. Terra Mariana, 3(44) : 198 – 214, 2012.
Book Reviews
- Review of M.McBride, Basic Knowledge and Conditions on Knowledge, dialectica, forthcoming.
Invited Articles
- Epistemic Justification, Normative Guidance, and Knowledge, in Dutant, J., Fassio D. and Meylan A. (eds.) Liber Amicorum Pascal Engel, University of Geneva, pp 169-185, 2014.
- Epistémologie de la foi. Revue Aletheia, No 43, Juin, 2013.
General Audience
- Vai liberāļu strīds par balsu izšķiešanu ir racionāls? in, 10.10.2018;
- Why won’t scientific evidence change the minds of Loch Ness monster true believers?, The Conversation, June 6, 2018;
- Ekonomiskais migrants un bezmaksas apvainojums in, 12.10.2015;
- Sīriešu puika un viņa zilie, mitrie šorti in, 11.09.2015;
- Reliģija – izvēles priekšmets? in, 02.2013;
- Savādā dilemma jeb vakara pastaiga Parīzes ielās in, 30.03.2006,–savada-dilemma-jeb-vakara-pastaiga-parizes-ielas.d?id=14039410